Kowkabany's Family Martial Arts - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!
Reference Students Videos

Video Reference 1 – Songahm I – White Belt Form


This is a reference page for our White Belt Form, and is broken down into six parts:


1) A video of the Form being done slowly, with a voice-over providing additional guidance on how to execute the techniques properly while avoiding some common mistakes.


2) A video of the Form being performed at the normal speed, with a little music in the background just because we enjoy training at times with a bit of rock and roll.


3) A video of the White Belt Sparring Combinations.


4) A video of the White Belt ONE STEPS.


5) A text segment for those who want to read more about the design of this Form, as well as some of the philosophy and methodology behind the Songahm Forms in general.


6) A step-by-step outline of the form in written format — simply click on the image to enlarge it.


OK, let’s get started!


Songahm 1 Performed Slowly with Voice Over Explanations

(We suggest opening each video in a new window.)


Songahm 1 Performed at Normal Speed!



White Belt Sparring Combinations



White Belt One Steps



Finally, here is some additional information regarding this Form!

At Kowkabany’s Family Martial Arts, we teach the Songahm Forms developed by the American Taekwondo Association in 1983. As with most forms taught in traditional martial arts, our forms were developed to help students improve the quality of their technique. The ATA took this basic concept much further, allowing for three main differences in our Songahm Forms:


First, every form is symmetrical—techniques done on one side of the body are done later in the form on the opposite side, promoting balanced development of techniques and of the body.


Second, every form is designed to teach the basic kicks, strikes, blocks and stances that a student at that rank should be practicing. For example, in Songahm 1, the student will practice a front kick and side kick, both of which are White Belt techniques. The round kick isn’t introduced until Songahm 2, as it is considered an Orange Belt technique that builds on the chamber and snap concept developed earlier when the student learned the front kick.


Third, every form taught in our traditional taekwondo system is on a set pattern of lines as depicted in the Songahm star, and begins and ends at the same point. There are 9 Color Belt Forms that use North, South, East and West lines; there are also 9 Black Belt Forms that use the same 4 basic directions, but also the diagonal lines that run Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest.


Songahm 1 Basic Facts:


* The form consist of 18 moves: a 5-move segment, followed by a 4-move segment, then the segments are “repeated” using the opposite side of the body. For example, the high block that is done with the left arm to start the form, is done with the right arm for the second half of the form.


* Moves #9 (front punch) and #18 are done at face level, all other strikes and punches are done to the body (solar plexus level)


* The pattern of the form is a simple I-pattern


* There are two stances in this form, the middle and front stances


* White Belt strikes shown in this form are the front punch, reverse punch, and knifehand strike


* Three blocks are taught at the White Belt level—high block, low block, and inner forearm block, and are included in this form


* The kihaps (yells) are on the side kicks, moves # 7 and #16.


* The color “White” represents purity and innocence in regards to the martial arts, or like a blank sheet of paper, an absence of knowledge.


* Traditionally, this Form was performed four times on Songahm Mountain by all Instructors who were being Certified by our Founder, Grand Master H. U. Lee. The first time, it was performed facing the East, as symbolically our art has come to us from the Far East. Performing it in the other directions was symbolic of the newly Certified Instructors preparing to spread our art to the other ‘corners’ of the world.