Virtual Training – KFMA Kids and Adults!
This page will provide you with at-home training videos for Kowkabany’s Family Martial Arts Kids and Adults. The drills shown are designed to supplement your training in our academy, and all kids should train only under supervision.
Ideally, we prefer for all our beginner and mid-rank students to train with our instructors two classes per week. However, we realize there are times when you simply cannot make it in for class (vacation, illness, shelter-at-home pandemics), and that’s why we have developed these training videos.
The videos in this article will be of a general nature, for all ranks to enjoy. Training videos that are for specific ranks will be forthcoming shortly, and will be listed under separate articles.
To view these training videos, simply click on the links below and they will open in a separate tab.
The following videos are 25- 30 minute workouts for all of our kids and adults to use.
This short video (about 4 minutes) is a supplement to the at-home training worksheet (available from your instructor) and simply provides details on how to properly practice your side kicks at home, as well as how to develop the strength to throw multiple rounds kicks.
KFMA Tips – Side and Rounds Kicks
If you simply want to work on your traditional form or sparring combinations (as opposed to a regular full-class workout), please checkout these articles that are also available in our Resources section.
As always, should you have any questions, please feel free to call your instructors at 813-540-5528.
To view a training video, simply click on the link and it will open in a separate window!